Past featured exhibits

Historical suffrage marker

The historical plaque located at the town square in Sebastopol, CA

The National Collaboration of Women’s History Sites, who created the National Votes for Women Trail, and the William G. Pomeroy Foundation has awarded an historical marker for two suffragists and meeting hall in Sebastopol, CA, on August 19, 2022.

See our Dedication Video

More about the suffrage effort

Exhibit: “Driving Through History – A journey through Sebastopol’s automotive history”

Video about the ‘driving through history’ exhibit

Exhibit: “extra, extra read all about it”

What will be lost when our newspapers die?

Take a tour of the West County Museum’s exhibit which took a look at the history of the Sebastopol newspaper who told the story of our town from 1889. The exhibit highlighted headlines, artifacts, photos and articles, ads, and editorials to present the subject. The goal was to remind the community of our history by sharing these precious newspapers. The role of home-town newspapers, even as they disappear throughout the country, was told in the exhibit. The curator, Donna Pittman, asks “What will be lost when such newspapers die?” “Where will you get your local news? How will we keep the local connection? See our “Extra, Extra” exhibit video.